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Pedro páramo de juan rulfo

This page is dedicated to presenting the best Android apps related to the celebrated novel Pedro Páramo by the renowned Mexican writer, Juan Rulfo. The novel is considered a masterpiece of Latin American literature and it has inspired many works of literature, music and art. Here you will find some of the best Android apps that you can use to explore and learn more about the novel and its characters, allowing you to experience the world of Comala in virtual form.

Streaming library specializing in classic works in the public domain and contemporary works authorized for non-profit dissemination. Free of advertising, 100% free, with more than 50,000 titles, music, art, audiobooks, multiple dictionaries,...

Romeo and Juliet, the well-known and universal tragedy of William Shakespeare, now available in Spanish on your devices with android operating system. The story, which takes place in Verona, one of the most prosperous cities in...

Anneliese Marie Frank, known in Castilian as Anne Frank (Frankfurt, June 12, 1929 - Bergen-Belsen, 12 March 1945) was a German Jewish girl, known worldwide thanks to the Diary of Anne Frank, editing as book your diary, where he recorded the nearly...

The Divine Comedy (modern Italian Divina Commedia, Tuscan The Divine Comedy) is a poem written by Dante Alighieri. The exact date in which it was written is unknown, although the most recognized opinions assure that Hell could be composed between...

In "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse", Blasco Ibáñez tells the story of two ideologically opposed families, the Desnoyers and the Von Hartrott, who will fight on opposite sides in the First World War. War, Hunger,...

The metamorphosis (Die Verwandlung, in its original title in German) is a story by Franz Kafka, published in 1915 and which tells the story of Gregory Samsa, a cloth merchant who lives with his family that he keeps with his salary, that a good day...

Paradise Lost John Milton (1608-1674) is the most complete and important epic poem in the English language and one of the peaks of world literature. The central theme is the fall of man into sin. The main characters are Satan, God, Adam and Eve,...

The great work of the Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. Published its first part with the title of The Ingenious Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha at the beginning of 1605, is one of the main works of...

The Iliad (in ancient Greek Ἰλιάς: Iliás, in modern Greek Ιλιάδα: Iliad) is a Greek epic and the oldest written poem in Western literature. It is traditionally attributed to Homer. Composed in dactyl hexameters, it consists of 15,693...

In the summer of 1816, Lord Byron invited the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley and his young wife, Mary, to his home in Switzerland. The days are rainy and the host proposes that everyone write a ghost story. Thus will arise 'Frankenstein, or the...

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